How do I even fill you in on the past 4 years (four?!!)
Well, the short version for now? Another baby, moving house, starting a new teaching job, gigs, travels, lots of fun, love, loss, struggles, high and lows. The pandemic! Quinn starting school (!) Podcasts! Clinics! and so much more. The over riding theme that keeps coming up for me is self belief and to go for what I've always wanted. I'm not sure where I started to ignore my dreams or keep them quiet - perhaps when I fell pregnant? But having Quinn and then Indiana (Indy for short) has taught me so much. They have taught me to be the mum I want to be and to be able to teach them to live their dreams - I also need to pursue mine :) The quote above has been resonating so much lately. ANYTHING is possible. Find out what matters to you and take steps towards it everyday. I hope to write on here more often and fill you in the past few years but for now you can check out my website and socials for way more frequent updates. Much Love x
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AuthorDrummer Archives
July 2023