Everything changed when I turned 40. I don't know if it was the start of a midlife crisis (!) or if I just felt that time was starting to run out but I got fed up of feeling like I was waiting for life to begin or for X, Y or Z to happen. I had just run my first drum camp, but the magnitude of that hadn't sunk in yet, and I wasn't sure how I was going to do more and juggle everything else I had going on. I slowly started to listen to new podcasts - podcasts of cool-ass lady entrepreneurs who had kids and were making things happen in a way that served them and their families.
I started listening to more positive songs and allowed myself to set big goals. I haven't done that for ages! But I started to write down what I wanted to achieve and then figure out a way to get there. I soon realised that I had been waiting for outside validation for a long time. Waiting until I had so many followers or a brand deal with a drum company or an interview with a drum magazine. My brother had a frank conversation with me and just said, "No one is going to tell you you're ready. You just have to start." And so I did. The other thing that inspired me so much is this quote... "You don't have to be a guru, you can be a contributor." That one sentence helped me to continue this new journey of Drum education in the way I wanted. I don't have to know it all, but what I do know, I can help others with. What I didn't realise is how much helping others to drum would fill me up. I am working harder than I ever have. A lot has changed in the past 8 months, and I have lots more planned this year. I'll need to change some things still, tweak the workload so it works for my family. But things feel in my control, and things I never thought possible seem worth dreaming about. So if you're reading this and want to change something or try a different path, whatever it may be, try it. It's not too late. Yes, things can be scary and hard and unknown. But promise me, take little steps and some big ones, and you'll be amazed at how fast things can change.Thank you SO much for reading this. I would love to know if you've changed anything lately or stepped into a new role or place in life. I would also love to hear from you if you're feeling a bit stuck. I know I appreciated talking to others when I was feeling that way. Until next time. Ciara x
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AuthorDrummer Archives
July 2023