Today was the first day that actually felt like I was on maternity leave - when in fact it started on Saturday.
Between NCT classes, yoga, a baby shower, a birth centre tour and a hypno-birthing class, myself and my husband have been exhausted, lucky for me - I didn't have to go to work today! So what did I do with my free day? Well... nothing too noteworthy I'm afraid. I packed our "go" bag and watched the film 'Boyhood' - which I recommend you watch if you haven't seen it. Tonight, I'm planning on making Chicken Kiev's for the first time, not being the greatest cook, this will be a big achievement if I can do it without making my husband ill or ordering take out instead :) Being at home with not much to do has always been a struggle for me. I am the master at filling my time. Not too long ago, a free day would mean a run or gym session followed by drum practice and then meeting friends or playing a gig/rehearsal somewhere. I have always been on the go and never really had too much down time. So now, here I am... feeling somewhat guilty that I haven't really accomplished much today, and feeling even worse that all I really want to do is go back to sleep...! Sleeping is a bit of struggle right now with the big bump and acid reflux. I'm getting my most decent sleep in the morning when my husband goes to work and its been hours and hours since I've eaten. So when people say to me "get as much sleep as you can before baby arrives" I nod and silently curse them, too tired to explain that I would sleep if I could etc etc Anyway... if sleep and heartburn are my only gripes about pregnancy this late in the day I think I'm doing pretty well. No more moaning from me (for this post at least!) I'm trying to love my pregnancy body more and more as each day passes and hypno birthing really made me much more aware of what I say to myself. Instead of looking in the mirror and thinking about just how big I am and what new stretch marks have appeared I'm trying to see all of the beauty. For all this is part of creating life and is so worth it. Every time I touch my belly and feel movement or a little foot I remember how blessed I am. It is truly amazing how the body adapts and how far this baby has grown, feeling very lucky that everything so far has gone well and will remember that beauty is everywhere next time I start to think negatively about pregnancy. I know the bump IS big and getting very low which is just really exciting as I guess baby isn't far off, it's also really funny seeing other peoples reactions to me. My Neighbour gasped so loudly when he saw me yesterday I had to laugh! Not before giving me the classic line of "Are you sure you're not having twins?!" I think every pregnant woman has heard that line right?! I'm not sure why people say it to you but I guess it can be shocking just how big a person can get. Instead of rolling my eyes at said neighbour I had a good laugh at how shocked he was and can still hear his gasp in my head now! Until next week, I hope you're all good, wrapping up warm and talking to yourselves nicely. DM x
1 Comment
6/10/2016 13:55:18
Pregnancy body and post pregnancy body are both challenging to adjust to mentally and physically but keeping in mind how lucky I am to have been able to take this journey has made me grateful rather than hateful to my body. The twins comment is always hilarious! I don't know how small people imagine your baby must be if they think more than one is squeezed into that bump. They forget there's also a placenta and a load of amniotic fluid in there too, and all of that is sqashing your poor internal organs, which somehow have to fit into your torso alongside the pregnancy.
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July 2023