I'm pretty lucky. Since my daughter was born I was able to breastfeed her. 6 months later I'm still going, albeit’s a lot different now. The first 3-4 weeks were pretty awful. I felt sick every time it was feeding time and couldn't really eat much. Everyone around me was fussing and thinking "oh goodness, she's depressed! She's not eating!!" The reality was that I was pretty fed up as I wanted to eat but just felt too sick to do so. Thankfully, I was prescribed some anti-sickness medication a few weeks in and things finally calmed down. The nights of my retching over my babies head whilst she ate are gone and I was able to start eating some good meals again! Since then, breastfeeding has become a total joy! The connection and calm that comes with a feed is something I want to remember forever. With the joy of breastfeeding also came a little bit of frustration. You see, like most things in life we tend to move the goalposts. We go about setting ourselves all kinds of goals and once we’ve reached them, instead of celebrating and feeling good we quickly change our end aim to something further up the “goal ladder” so to speak. So for me, once the initial high wore off that I could feed my child and not feel sick, it quickly became apparent that if my daughter needed food then I was it! I couldn't really plan to do too much or to go away for any length of time. I felt somewhat a little trapped. Of course when she was a newborn, I didn't want to leave her at all but as she grew I started to feel a little bit restricted in what I was able to do - no gigs or rehearsals were on the cards that was for sure! So, myself and my husband decided we wanted to give a bottle of an evening, that way I could get more sleep (this didn't happen of course, every time she cried I would wake immediately!!) Anyway... what a bottle DID do was create more bonding time for my husband and my daughter and it also got her used to feeding off something other than me! :) Eventually we moved up to a couple of bottles a day and I stopped expressing milk and we tried a bit of formula..so far so good! Its amazing to me how things progressed and creeped up on me in a way. Here we are, she's 6 months. We're feeding her veggie puree, formula and we're down to only one breastfeed in the morning. I remember the first time I tried expressing milk with a double pump, with the sound of it and the way the bottles look with the funnels attached I definitely felt like a farm animal being milked. My husband even affectionately (?) started calling me "milk cow" So with this new lease of freedom that bottles gave me and a whole lot of questioning about consuming dairy - "If I have felt this terrible feeding how do cow feels being made to do it ALL THE TIME?!!" Anyway, I digress (!) …Things started to move on, as I've mentioned here, I started drumming again and slowly getting back on the gigging horse. All along the goalposts have kept moving and in life this seems to be something we give high praise to. We WANT to progress we WANT to see things changing and be able to say we’ve come X amount of distance in as little a time as possible. Change seems to happen automatically - so why are we always trying to make it progress quicker? Only just this afternoon I caught myself wondering when my daughter will be crawling. And then I’m sure it’ll be walking, school and so on… I have been feeling so conflicted and emotional about all of this. At one point all I wanted was to not be at the mercy of my daughter for feeds and to have a bit more freedom and now I have it? Well, I feel sad. Sad that the precious time we shared is coming to an end and that I'm not needed as much. I'm pleased that on the whole I really enjoyed breast feeding and tried to enjoy every moment with her. Gone are the days where we'd wake up and feed, watch the morning news and then I'd feed her again to sleep. Gone are the gentle, quiet middle of the night feeds. And gone too are the bitty 4am feeds, that lasted merely seconds before she slept again, whilst I struggled to resume sleep - That I don't miss! But I think what I’m learning, or trying to at least is to really and I mean REALLY here (not just some hippy dippy quote I’ll forget in half an hour) but I’m trying to enjoy every moment as much as I can. Because as everyone has told me… it goes by SO quickly! Kids grow SO quickly! Along the way I’m trying to re asses my drumming and how I can have both a career and also enjoy motherhood. I’ve got a beautiful new drum kit and am investigating how I can make the best use of my time to serve others with it but also not take away too much time from my family. When I find out what that is, I’ll let you know (new blog post maybe soon!) but until then, enjoy the good bits, laugh at the bad and celebrate every goal you reach!
1 Comment
16/11/2022 11:08:47
Sea church main speech modern. Conference factor safe anything. Culture real responsibility cause these surface.
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