![]() So after my little dalliance last month back in the rehearsal room, things have naturally moved on… I played my first gig! The first gig post baby was something I had been thinking about since I first got pregnant. Along with all the worries motherhood would bring, I had many doubts with how - and if ever, I’d gig again – somewhat dramatic you may think but with a load of hormones flying round my body and no time for any practicing for months it was easy to get on the worry train and ride it to death. So, what was the gig? Well, it was a cross between street drumming and Stomp! A brilliant drummer friend of mine – Katie, has created a 2-person percussion show called Bang on! She has been running workshops and gigs for about 15 years and the two of them have been all over the world drumming on dust bin lids, buckets – and pretty much any household object they can lay their hands on! I got the call to stand in for her friend and had about a week to prepare. I was flattered that she thought of me and wanted to do a great job. The only way I know how to go into a job and do it well is to prepare, prepare, PREPARE! I think it was a Gavin Harrison (amaaaaaazing drummer) video where he was interviewed about gigs he’s got and he said it was all down to being prepared. Well, since I’m a mega fan of his and of the mindset that I always want to do my best. I was pretty much transcribing drum parts as soon as I was off the phone having accepted the gig! Now, having a baby and preparing for a gig don’t really go hand in hand BUT thankfully, she is of the age where she is napping roughly (on a good day mind!) About three times in the day. So there I was, baby down for a nap? Music paper out and headphones in! Within a few days I’d managed to write everything down and was now using nap times to have a bit of a practice on my practice pad. In an ideal world I’d go practice on my drums but we’re between houses at the moment (long story – and perhaps another future post?!) So, I made do with my practice pad and was looking forward to the upcoming rehearsal and gig. Because of said housing situation I thankfully could leave baby with the inlaws whilst I went to rehearse. The rehearsal went really well, Katie showed me lots of cool grooves, how the show works and made me feel totally at ease. Gig day arrives and I’m up at 5:30am! The gig is a day time thing, up past Birmingham so we needed to set off early to make sure we could set up in time. We were expected to do three shows and three workshops throughout the day and I have to say, it was a lot of fun! Lots of grooves, laughs and audience participation! This really felt like the perfect gig to have post baby, not only did I get a few goes at the show throughout the day but with Katie’s relaxed attitude all I ended up worrying about was whether my breast milk would leak through my top! Seriously! I hadn’t left the baby for that long without a feed before* (*don’t worry kids, she was being looked after by her father and is totes used to a bottle!) But yeah, all day, no feeding equals ouchie hard rock boobs – not fun! So after a very fulfilling day of drumming on a pretty cool rig of buckets, trash cans, old guitars and pots and pans. I returned to a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, a sleeping baby and the task of hand expressing my breast milk. How rock n roll am I?!
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![]() About two weeks ago I got to go play drums for a full three hours. It was bliss! My amazing in-laws were more then happy to look after little one and so I got my cymbals and my snare (named Gavin) together and off we went to the rehearsal room – only 10 min drive away. Bonus! The rehearsal room was great, cheap rates and also I was greeted with the offer of a cup of coffee from the moment I got there – lovely stuff! So I had three whole hours, what was I to do? I felt a little apprehensive as I was going to film and record a little bit of me playing for a casting but I felt so out of practice and out of my depth. Forget about what I was going to play, how am I going to record myself? Lucky for me I have a little Scarlett 2i2 interface from Focusrite. It has two inputs for microphones; I just planned on using one mic. I had googled how to record drums using one microphone so I positioned the mic over the left side of bass drum between it and the ride cymbal. I had a quick listen with my headphones and you know what? It didn’t sound half bad! Add a little reverb and it was more than alright! So there I was, camera turned on, logic ready to go and I had to play something, and not just anything – something impressive. I was pretty anxious; being a mum so far has been one of the greatest gifts I have been given these past 5 months. But with that gift has come a whole lot of insecurity and worry. Worry about all the things including my daughter and a lot of insecurity about my drumming. With no playing for months, how the hell could I expect to play anything sounding half decent?! I tried to play from my heart and with the mind-set of, if I don’t start now then I will never begin… I believe it was Lao Tzu who said “A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step”, so with that in mind and heart, I started to play. …And it felt gooooood!! I forgot how satisfying it is to just hit stuff!! ;-) I could totally feel that I was rusty – my hands wouldn’t play as fast as I wanted, ideas would come out messy and my bass drum technique was certainly sounding sloppy as hell. Never the less, I continued to play, film and record. I played solo ideas for the casting job and interspersed playing along to some pop songs. I came away feeling great, yes I have a long way to go to get my playing back up to where it was but I’m armed with some video to see what areas I especially need to work on. The best thing I was left with? Inspiration! I’m already looking forward to my next practice session where I’ll look at chart reading – something I was studying with Bob Armstrong and I’ll also check out my technique too. Technique is an area, which I want to get into my daily routine – just on a practice pad for 20 mins or so a day – this is not yet a reality but just writing it down makes me feel more accountable. Aside from that, I’ve just put on a bit of prog madness from Planet X to listen to, have emailed my fusion/prog band Red Monster to see whether we can collaborate via the internet and get the album we’ve wanted to record for so long in the pipeline. If he can email over tracks I can record here… simples! On top of all that, I’m going to see one of my favourite bands Dream Theater this Sunday!! Bring. It. On! ![]() We went on our first family holiday and it was to California! From the moment this trip was mentioned, my husband and I were filled with excitement and a whole lot of doubt. Do we dare travel with a baby, by ourselves, for a whole 2 weeks? That means, a 10 hour flight, lots of late nights and no grandparents to soften the load. Well… after a few weeks of umming and urhing we thought, “Hell with it, lets do it!” And man, I am so glad we did! With two weddings to attend, one in Santa Barbara and one in Vegas we had lots to fit in and lots to see. So, how was the flight? It. Was. Amazing! Or to put it anther way - my daughter was amazing! She pretty much slept the whole way; I got to enjoy three movies and even some wine! AMAZING! I think it was the sound of the plane and the fact she was snuggled up to my boob the entire journey. To anyone planning on a long haul journey, just stay calm and feed, feed, feed! The return journey was also good, a few cries here and there (made a little worse because it was a night flight) but on the whole I was mega proud of how good baby was. What also helped to make the experience better was once we landed in LAX we were given priority through border control because of the little one. We had no idea this was even an option and were expecting a long wait and had prepared ourselves to expect the worst so were armed with bucket loads of patience and calm. Contrast that with the return journey and its just a little bit different! You’d think the airport in Los Angeles would be stocked full of amazing shops and eateries right? Wrong! There isn’t much there considering how busy the airport is. On top of that we found the whole check in and security a very long and unorganised process. They couldn’t put us in seats with a bassinette for baby from the start, no big deal but we spent a good 20 mins at bag drop whilst they tried to find our daughters ticket in the system. By the time we got to border control there was a huge queue and this time – no priority given for parents with young kids. Unfortunately, it took a long time to even get to security and by the time we were there little one had decided to do a number 2… worst of all , it went through her vest AND sleepsuit! So there was I, baby in hand, trying to cover her poo soaked clothes in a blanket as I stepped through the metal detector. Classy eh?!! Thankfully, that was the worst of it, we were soon through and managed to clean baby up for a somewhat peaceful return flight. The holiday didn’t exactly feel like a holiday if I’m honest. I still didn’t get much sleep but we did have a lovely time full of sunshine, meals out, room service and seeing great friends. We got to do the drive from LA to Vegas, which was pretty cool, my husband did all the driving like he’d been driving in America all his life. Nothing but respect! I certainly didn’t want to handle the freeways and the oh so many drivers who don’t indicate! We got to dress our daughter in dresses and shades, she looked so cute and got lots of attention from Rodeo Drive to a hike in the Hollywood hills. Upon returning, I feel nothing but very very lucky. Yes, we’ve had a challenging time sleep wise with jet lag – a whole other level with a baby! But the experiences I will treasure forever. What other baby has been to LA and Vegas before they’re 6 months?! Pretty cool I’d say! She may not remember but we have lots of photos and video and again, if anyone is worried about travelling with a baby I would say 100% do it! Now, if the baby is walking already? Well… that’s a different story! I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet ;-) This blog has gone from weekly to "whenever I get round to it!" But with a little one, who can blame me?! :)
A few weeks ago I got to play drums in my studio. The fact that I hadn't played for about 4 months meant that it was something I had been thinking about and looking forward to for a long time. To say I was excited would be a major understatement! The day arrived and in military fashion - as most things are now post baby. My husband and I worked everything out so baby was fully fed and happy before setting off in the car. The deal was I would go play and husband would look after little one and pick me up once I'm done. I've had the studio a year, its a new development so there always seems to be some sort of building work being done. Whenever I walk in to the building, smell the new paint and the wood, I feel immediately at ease and am in my happy place. This is my studio and I have my drums all to myself. Magic! I had about 2 hours to play that day, something of a rarity as of late. I did some improvisation and played to some favourite tunes but I have to admit, it really wasn't how I thought it would be. Very underwhelming. Usually I'm totally immersed in drumming but since baby I couldn't be as present as I wanted - Half of me was wondering where my daughter was and whether she was ok and the other was thinking about what to play and wondering if people outside could hear how bad it was. I freaked out about this.... hmmmm well, about up until this week if I'm honest (!) Where the hell had my ambition gone? Why could I not just relax and play? I hear you, I know what you're thinking - altogether now... BECAUSE YOU'VE HAD A BABY! EVERYTHING changes when you have a baby!! I know I know, BUT its drums, they were my babies before and I never imaged I'd ever feel anything less then a burning desire to play and get better. After all these negative thoughts about my ambition going and playing like c**p I decided to hold my horses and have a look at all the great things. Because as the saying goes "There is good everywhere, you just need to look for it." SO, what did I find? 1) I'm still playing That's right, with the help of my husband, we managed to carve out some time for me to go play. How awesome is that?! I used to fear that I wouldn't be able to play but there we are, three months in, still breastfeeding and boom! I got to go play my drums. Lovely! 2) I am not resentful Before I gave birth I was worried that I would end up resenting the baby for not being able to play as much. I can't express just how far removed this thought is from my mind now. I usually miss the baby if I've been away too long, so the possibility and more importantly the DESIRE to go on tour right now is just not in me. 3) Anything is possible It really is. When little one was born and I was still recovering at home it seemed like the chance of drumming again was so far away. I wasn't leaving the house, how could I play a gig? Three months later and my social calendar is pretty much back to where it was pre-baby. AND work offers have started to come in and I'm also looking into starting to teach drums again. I don't have concrete plans, its not all going to start again tomorrow but I know it is all possible. I luckily have a very supportive husband and family, and so with them, I know that I can do this. I already have a jam session booked in and am planning another practice session too. Whilst things certainly are different, I still love drums and I am totally in love with my baby. It definitely feels like I can have my cake and I can eat it too <3 Quinn is 5 weeks today! How time does fly!
Things that have changed since her birth...? Urh....Everything! This is gonna be a really soppy post but it'll be nothing but the truth - and you guys want the truth dontcha?! ;-) I find myself staring at her and crying tears of genuine joy on a regular basis. You hear people talk about the love you feel for your child but nothing could have prepared me. I had a dream about Quinn the first night we spent at home. In the dream I could see a vision of her in a dress, sitting in the sunshine in a garden. She was smiling with her eyes closed and looked totally at peace. In the dream I couldn't find her and I woke up feeling completely panicked and cried so hard I woke my husband up. The thought of losing her was too much to bear and even now I can't think about it too much without getting a tad emosh! I'm sure its hormones but it totally feels like the world is turned upside down as soon as you become a parent - but in the most intense beautiful way. I thought I would struggle with not playing drums on a regular basis. Whilst I DO miss playing, the desire doesn't have the same hold over me. This might seem obvious to some people - once you have a child, of course your world changes. But I guess I was expecting to have a lot more resistance to the change. I think, for this, I have counselling to thank. When I found out I was pregnant, I decided to go and get a bit of therapy. There was nothing wrong in particular but I had lots of worries and unexpected feelings come up - about identity, motherhood, career and lots more. I had about 18 sessions and they really helped but I didn't see how much - until now. All the things I had anxiety about I feel like I resolved a while ago now, so the lack of career/drumming is really not an issue. And that feels amazing. People have asked what I'm gonna do career wise, now I'm with child and I tend to answer with "I don't know". I feel totally free and have total confidence that I'll be drumming again in no time but don't have any fear as to the "when" and "hows". And that in turn makes me a lot more present. Which is what I'm always trying to be, less worry = more being in the moment. Earlier today I picked up a pair of sticks and started doing some rudiments and it felt fantastic, I still had some speed and it felt really fluid. I'm also watching more drumming videos then I usually would. Normally on Instagram/facebook I'd just scroll past but now I have a good listen and enjoy all the drumming content thats out there. The great thing about Quinn is that she has heard drums since being in the womb so music and drumming beats never wake her. So when I'm feeding is often the time I listen to music and check out some grooves. My mother in law was afraid to hoover but I explained that it was unlikely Quinn would wake... and low and behold, she slept right through it! With Quinn has come so much more emotion - any sad film, programme - or advert and I'm in tears. Seriously! "The Holiday" was on the other day and I spent most of it sobbing into a tissue! I've also experienced a lot more fear - "did I hear her cry just now?" "Am I doing the right things?" "Am I a good enough mum?" etc.. With all those feelings of course comes so much love I didn't know existed. No matter how little sleep I get at night, no matter how crazy she can be when I'm trying to feed or when I just feel like I'm failing, everyday I look at her and somehow all will be ok. And today? Today I got my first smile! Now if I can make her smile everyday, then I'm definitely not failing. I know as she grows older things will change - and don't even go there about her being a teenager before I know it! I realise there will be dark days, arguments and testing times. But for right now, I'm gonna try and make her smile at me again. :) ![]() So, I haven't posted in a couple of weeks....as a certain young lady has been keeping me busy! On the 25th of October I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She is a delight and there have been many things I could discuss since she's been born but today I'm going to tell you about the day I went into labour and how its been so far. So we had just moved in with the parents in law, maybe we'd been there a week or two and were getting into a nice routine and slowly starting to organise what would be our bedroom and the babies room, I had clothes to organise, nappies to order and as each day passed I felt more and more panicked that we weren't "ready". Finally on Saturday the 22nd my husband got really organised and did an amazing job sorting things I couldn't do - like building and lifting things and by the Sunday the rooms were pretty much sorted. We finished that day with a beautiful walk in the woods, where my husband and I just enjoyed each others company and talked for ages about things other then the impending birth. I remember going back and thinking what a lovely time we'd had and if the baby wanted to come now I'd be ok with it.... be careful what you wish for! Even my partners dad seemed to have an idea as he stopped me from washing up and told me to relax. Come bed time, I lied down ready for sleep listening to my hypno-birthing tapes. A weird feeling down below and Boom! my waters broke! And there was a LOT of liquid! Not to be gross... but I had only bought sanitary towels incase of this situation BIG MISTAKE! They didn't cut it at all. AT ALL! Anyway... fast forward about 27 hours and our little daughter entered and changed our world forever! <3 Amazing how things change over night once a baby is born. The relaxed grandparents are obsessed with her and offer their opinions about everything (EVERYTHING!) And yet... so does everyone it seems. I know its all coming from a place of love but wow! I wasn't ready for all the opinions.** (**see disclaimer) My husband wrote a joke about our baby falling asleep on us at night and literally within the hour there were about 30 unique comments because whilst new parents want to help - and who am I to knock that help?! Although it really was just a joke :-) I'm really enjoying getting to know my daughter and working it all out on my own and with my husband. I'm sure we're probably too uptight about some things - like a lot of first time parents and probably over thinking everything else. The biggest thing I have learnt so far? Is just to go with it - and go with my daughter. Whilst myself and my husband want to try enforce routines early on (do I dare mention Gina Ford?!) I've learnt so much by just watching and listening to the little one. We try every day to feed at the same times and are always trying new things at bed time. My new favourite sound is my babies' snore - so cute and signals that quick! I need to sleep too. The main thing is we're just going with it and her and working things out each day at a time :) And I love it. This major life event reminds me of other big life events - more specifically - our wedding. I remember the planning of it and my husband and I really wanted a stress free time in the lead up but ended up feeling so SO stressed. Why? Everyone had an opinion! Everyone we spoke to in the family or not had a thought of what "we should do" and how things should be done. Whilst the day was one of the happiest I've ever had both my husband and I know now whenever we meet a couple who are engaged is to just ask how things are going and leave it at that - no opinions unless asked for! ** So how do I round this up... Well this wouldn't be a true account if I didn't admit that I've also fallen foul of this myself. Yep I may/may not have innocently offered advice on where someone could get some nice flowers for their wedding and I may/may not have offered a tip that helped me during breast feeding .... oops! Silly isn't it that even though I know how opinions are sometimes welcome and unwelcome, I still can't help but give it myself. In light of that I'd like to say sorry, yep sorry for all the advice given and not taken along with the advice I've been given and not taken. That goes both ways and just so you know, you'll never have to say sorry to me :D Til next time! DM x When I first discovered I was pregnant I wouldn't hear any of this "pregnancy brain" talk, I was capable, busy and carrying on as normal and wanted people to know it too.
I prided myself on keeping cool under pressure, multi tasking to the max and making an extra big effort to make sure I didn't come across as the pregnant person who couldn't keep up. It was I think in month 4 that I forgot something - amongst a busy day at work - one tiny thing and I was greeted with the comment of "aww, baby brain!" I was so ANGRY! `The comment came from a woman no less`AND she had children! "How could you?!" I thought. There I was managing so well with gigs, lots of night shifts and dealing with silly people at work and the first little mistake I make, I am told its my pregnant brain....cheers! I felt defeated and immediately judged that I wasn't capable. I didn't want to be treated any differently or thought of as not "on the ball" just because I was with child. It's not a nice feeling but I soon found out that things can change pretty quickly and having a reason for a slow brain will actually help you out in the end. Fast forward to now..... and I completely and utterly admit to being in the throws of baby brain. I don't know when it started properly or when I finally succumbed to its mighty power but I am bowled over by how my brain seems sometimes so alien to me. My memory is pretty much gone 90% of the time. I need to write everything down on my phone, notes, reminders, alarms - the lot! My husband openly says how he's noticed and how frustrating it is when I don't seem to understand what he's saying or haven't court up with his train of thought. The only response I have is that its just as frustrating for me. It feels like my brain is getting smaller and I have zero control! I guess the one positive is that you have an excuse. You can just say if you're having an off day that its due to baby brain and I'm comforted that eventually this fogginess in my head will lift at some point. (Please God!!) A few classic examples of my baby brain in action have been: Leaving my wallet in the shop Forgetting passwords for my email Missing appointments Getting on the wrong train when it clearly says where its going Complicating journeys home by taking multiple modes of transport - when not needed Lending a cd drive out - now I have no idea who has it Suddenly forgetting people's names Forgetting conversations Forgetting everything! - words, bands, tv shows, how to spell the word "The" ** I'm sure I'll update this list once my husband reminds me of many crazy moments** Now? I'm happy to say I just embrace it and laugh. What else can I do?! I know its crazy and nuts and I'm certainly NOT firing on all (or any!) cylinders but there's not too long left to go now and the biggest thing I'm learning through all of this is to just GO WITH THE FLOW. Don't fight it and just relax. :) And with that, its time for some chocolate milk and for me to put my feet up. Thanks for reading! DM xxx ![]() I'm really missing playing drums today. Its been about 2 weeks and I just want to be in my studio, (ironically) breathing in the sweet sweet silence that always precedes any playing that I do. There's some sort of magic that can take over when you play, a feeling I'm always searching for whenever I sit at the drum kit. A flow, an out of body experience almost. Its like when I play my best, I don't consciously know what I'm doing - it just turns up. I guess a lot of people feel this through other ways - such as sport, yoga and meditation etc For me, it's when I go with the flow, am purely in the moment and just let go. At the moment I'm trying to "let go" of the thought that the baby is coming soon. I'm 37.3 weeks and so far my pregnancy has been very similar to that of my sister. Her first born was 38 weeks and her second at 37 so lately I've been driving myself a bit mad thinking that baby is coming any time now. Every ache below my (now flat) belly button, I think "Is it time?" "Is baby ready?!" But then of course the ache goes away and I'm left wondering when I'm going to meet the little one. I guess this is where I need to practice a little more patience :) Whilst I'm sure the baby will arrive soon, I don't want to stop enjoying being pregnant as I know once this time is over, I wont get it back. I'll be thrown into a whole new world of even more sleep deprivation, nappies, crying and major responsibility. I also know that it will be the most special time of my life and I am so excited for this next chapter. So its the same old battle of surrendering to the moment, being grateful for what I have in front of me right now and changing my attitude to that of abundance and not of lack. Yes, I can't drum right now but what I can do is enjoy the time I have. I can listen to some wonderful music, spend some time cooking and what I've been doing lot of these past two days... is watching Jane Fonda! I don't know about you but there's something about her that just makes me smile. If I could be like her when I'm older I'd be ecstatic! She's just so cool! I've been trying my best to relax the past few days and have been fully involved in a relationship with the sofa and Netflix. Currently binge watching the series Grace and Frankie - hence my fondness of The Fonda ;-) Fonda kind of links in nicely to what my husband and I have been talking about lately - which is that of role models and whether we're going to have any godparents for our children. We've been discussing what qualities we're looking for in men and women that sets them apart and makes them so called "good role models or mentors". If we're on the Fonda train then I might as well run with it...so what is it I like about her? Well, what I like is how strong she is. Having had a turbulent childhood and faced many hardships throughout her life, she remains strong and positive. I love her sense of style and her sense of humour, she seems like such a classy lady and isn't afraid to tell it like it is. So if anyone has any advice out there in making this decision about Godparents - I'm all ears. Not wanting to leave out any of my friends, I wonder how to go about choosing the "right" person without upsetting anyone. I'd like to know how did you make the decision about who to make a godparent? Also, who are your favourite role models and why? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Here's a clip of Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin that always makes me feel extremely grateful to all the amazing girl friends I have in my life: Until next week...
DM xxx Today was the first day that actually felt like I was on maternity leave - when in fact it started on Saturday.
Between NCT classes, yoga, a baby shower, a birth centre tour and a hypno-birthing class, myself and my husband have been exhausted, lucky for me - I didn't have to go to work today! So what did I do with my free day? Well... nothing too noteworthy I'm afraid. I packed our "go" bag and watched the film 'Boyhood' - which I recommend you watch if you haven't seen it. Tonight, I'm planning on making Chicken Kiev's for the first time, not being the greatest cook, this will be a big achievement if I can do it without making my husband ill or ordering take out instead :) Being at home with not much to do has always been a struggle for me. I am the master at filling my time. Not too long ago, a free day would mean a run or gym session followed by drum practice and then meeting friends or playing a gig/rehearsal somewhere. I have always been on the go and never really had too much down time. So now, here I am... feeling somewhat guilty that I haven't really accomplished much today, and feeling even worse that all I really want to do is go back to sleep...! Sleeping is a bit of struggle right now with the big bump and acid reflux. I'm getting my most decent sleep in the morning when my husband goes to work and its been hours and hours since I've eaten. So when people say to me "get as much sleep as you can before baby arrives" I nod and silently curse them, too tired to explain that I would sleep if I could etc etc Anyway... if sleep and heartburn are my only gripes about pregnancy this late in the day I think I'm doing pretty well. No more moaning from me (for this post at least!) I'm trying to love my pregnancy body more and more as each day passes and hypno birthing really made me much more aware of what I say to myself. Instead of looking in the mirror and thinking about just how big I am and what new stretch marks have appeared I'm trying to see all of the beauty. For all this is part of creating life and is so worth it. Every time I touch my belly and feel movement or a little foot I remember how blessed I am. It is truly amazing how the body adapts and how far this baby has grown, feeling very lucky that everything so far has gone well and will remember that beauty is everywhere next time I start to think negatively about pregnancy. I know the bump IS big and getting very low which is just really exciting as I guess baby isn't far off, it's also really funny seeing other peoples reactions to me. My Neighbour gasped so loudly when he saw me yesterday I had to laugh! Not before giving me the classic line of "Are you sure you're not having twins?!" I think every pregnant woman has heard that line right?! I'm not sure why people say it to you but I guess it can be shocking just how big a person can get. Instead of rolling my eyes at said neighbour I had a good laugh at how shocked he was and can still hear his gasp in my head now! Until next week, I hope you're all good, wrapping up warm and talking to yourselves nicely. DM x I am 35 weeks and on Friday I played my last show before our baby arrives.
I have had a lot of questions about drumming throughout my pregnancy but honestly its one of the things that hasn't changed too much. Every time I play the baby seems to sleep (am hoping this is a good thing!!) and whenever I play I just feel calm and happy and if the baby can pick up on those positive feelings then I think all is well - Plus early on in my pregnancy I got too tired to play for longer then a few hours at a time, so limiting the amount of noise I subjected bump to was something I was always aware of. The last gig I played was highly anticipated - with all my close family and friends in attendance, a lovely lovely vibe in the room. But I tell ya, the whole day felt like a bit of a marathon...! From an early rehearsal that morning to loading all the equipment and getting to the venue plus playing two sets. By the end of the night I of course felt very touched to see so many smiling faces but had been dreaming of my bed since about lunch time! It's funny how perspectives change over time. About 6 months ago the thought of not playing any gigs for a while made me feel very sad and uncertain about the future. Fast forward to this moment and I feel so much more secure in where I am NOW and am not worrying about what lies ahead as I know drumming will be there somewhere. The gig that I had given so much thought to and had shed a few tears over in the build up actually turned out to be a lovely evening that to me signified a change - and a really exciting one at that. Overall I'm happy to be slowing down and preparing myself for the big day. Until then, I'll keep you updated on how things are going. Thanks for reading. Drummer Mama x |
AuthorDrummer Archives
July 2023